Friday, November 6, 2009

~我的美丽日记面膜~Top 5 Rating Masks~

•˚•* TOP 5 人气最旺面膜

•˚• 人气第一 黑珍珠面膜 •˚ Number 1 Black Pearl Mask •˚


适合肤质:一般肤质,特推荐缺乏光泽与弹力肌肤 产品功效:极致润白复合精华,采用璀璨迷人的黑珍珠萃取,蕴藏了肌肤美丽的因子 含丰富氨基酸及微量元素等矿物质,是养颜美肤精选配方。 以黑珍珠所凝聚的天然活性精髓,结合多种天然海洋以及植物精萃,能使肌肤白皙柔润,开启肌肤自然保湿与嫩白机制,赋予肌肤丝缎般柔滑触感,焕发珍珠般的亮 丽光采!

Functions: Whitening, hydrating Skin Type: All skin types, especially skin which is dull and lacks of firmness

Natural active ingredients of black pearls: whitens & softens skin Pineaples, limes and cucumbers: accelerates metabolism of stratum comeum; gently removes dead epidermis cells, thus restores skin's resilience and radiance

•˚• 人气第 珍珠粉面膜 •˚ Number 2 Pearl Powder Mask •˚


产品功效: 超细天然珍珠粉含多种氨基酸及微量元素能渗透肌肤里层,让肌肤呈现水嫩润白的光泽;桑白皮植物精华保湿滋润肌肤。

Function: Nourishing, whitening

Skin Types: All skin types, especially for dull and damaged skin

Main Ingredients: Amino acids and trace elements: penetrates through interior layer of skin; creates soft, fair look wit radiance Vitamin-B and seaweed: activates and nourishes skin

•˚• 人气第三 保加利亚白玫瑰面膜 •˚ Number 3 Bulgarian White Rose Mask •˚



产品功效: 添加珍贵的保加利亚白玫瑰纯露,具有天然舒缓、清净保湿肌肤效果,安抚肌肤不适, 协同甘草、奇异果萃取精华使肌肤白皙,并释放有效成分滋养肌肤,温和淡化肤色,改善暗沉无光泽之肌肤,达到细致、透明感、亮丽、有光泽的白皙肤质。

Function: Moisturizing, firming and whitening

Skin Types: All skin types, especially for dull and lack of firmness skin

Main Ingredients:
Bulgarian rose hydrosol: soothes, refreshes and moisturizes Licorice and kiwi: whitens skin and offers radiance with translucent and glowing look of skin Aloe and cucumber: calms, soothes and moisturizes skin

•˚ 人气第四 红酒多份面膜 •˚Number 4 Red Wine Mask •˚



产品功效:神奇的“奈米球体Nanospheres”制作技术,给你前所未有的美丽体 验!携带大量天然保湿因子的奈米球体,其孔隙结构能加强吸附活性成分的 能力,使养分长效均匀释放,能够立即补水、长期供水。 经实验证明,八小时后仍能保持70%保水度,能长时间维持润泽感。

Functions: Anti-oxidant, brightening and firming

Skin Types: All skin types, especially for dull and lack of firmness skin

Main Ingredients:
Polyphenol: anti-oxidant which clears up free radicals toning and maintains skin's firmness and resilience Anthocyanin and tannins: Astringent agents to promote the micro circulation of the skin, allowing the skin to have a natural glow and radiance, maintaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin texture.

•˚ 人气第五 芦荟面膜 •˚Number 5 Aloe Mask •˚



产品功效: 天然的芦荟萃取液含有多种维生素成分,能提供肌肤所需的水分与营养;具复原作用的蔷薇物精华,能改善皮肤干燥与粗糙现象。

Functions: hydrating and repairing

Skin Types: All skin types, especially for dry and damaged skin

Main Ingredients:
Aloe: provides skin with adequate moisture content Rose: improves dry and rough skin texture Amino acid: nourishes and moisturizes skin Hyaluronic acid: Highly effective in moisture retention

~kindly visit to for the more details on the masks ^^ ~
