I'm not sure it is of whose idea but the hard work was indeed worth it all. A very heart-warming homecook session where all of us have missed it for a very long time in fact. Thanks to the great loads of work in the previous semester, we could hardly make it at all. Anyway, it's a very good start as a small remembrance for this final semester though ^^
~A very yummy and healthy chicken soap by Leng~
~Potatoes with chicken slices by JY~
~Steam taufu by wen~
~healthy greeny cabbages and bayam by LK~
~and last but not least, yummy strawberry pudding by Isly~
Looks yummy? Stomach starts drumming and saliva starts drooling over? Hehe I bet you do ^^ And no exaggeration, it taste much more than just it looks ^^
a1l1n, JY, LK, Dennis, Leng, KokLeong, Isly, Wen, Marcus, Adam and XiaoXin
wah so keng ar, can open restaurant d lo haha
since when u can cook d de ?? hahah
still rmb wat u owe me??
I miss eating dinner with our housemates! ><
Purple: u invest on us lorr lol
slavin: of course i rmb hehe got chance de~~~ keke
ShinD: without u here seem quiet alot too
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