Friday, May 29, 2009

Update on my Internships

As some of you may know, there was this clerk in my company has resigned without notification, hence while pending for a new candidate to run in, I'm currently being placed at her position ><" Shifting from production line into management line..
*Yeah.. know you must be laughing out loud there now, but seriously I've been 1 week here already ==*

Sitting in the office is conducive I would say, for you do not need to sweat that much or bearing with the weather like in the previous week, when you're at the production site, but the price to pay is.. it's hell BORING here!! Counting down for another 7 weeks from now, I am currently very stuck in here, a real stuck!! Whatever the tasks that I was assigned to do on the previous week (e.g. design and prepare the standard measuring forms required for all the products at production line) are now in the boss's pending tray. Somehow I can just foresee that as long as I'm still here, I can hardly proceed with any project and related stuff to my internships, for the boss himself will no longer have the spare time for me like previously =.=""" All I can do now is, at best help him out to relieve his burden and so that I could at least win some valuable times from him.. but at the same time, I'm as well afraid that if I am handling TOO GOOD in this, he might have the second thought of just continue placing me at here for the rest of weeks ><" *Using a cheaper labour price for the same employment, who the hell do not know that is a winning situation for him? Aihz* Well yesterday, verbally he did say he will be giving me a project to me next week, it did cheers me up a lil' but God bless that my week after will be real fine..

Anyway, when nothing much to do in office.. This is what happened to 自恋 people like me =x


Grandma look me XD

Normal casual me

~Boring boring~

Hmm.. no comment XD

Nothing much, that's all for now, I seriously do not know how to write my daily report for this week as well, *headache headache* Do put your fingers crossed for me for my coming 7 weeks.. God Bless*




slavin23 said...

besides taking pic and fbking all the way...wuahahaha

a1l1n said...

now no more lu sob sob